Currently on the lookout for people who want to help out or maybe even run some aspects of the bibliophile club!

Touch the hand of God to apply :)


Volunteers Image

Volunteer Information!

There are three main roles; they all have their own set of requirements alongside that of being a member of the bibliophile club.

  • Website Builder

  • ✰Needs some level of expertise with HTML and CSS (knowing Java would be even better)
    ✰ Help design the overall aesthetic of the page, add some interesting graphics, gifs, and fonts
    ✰ Be able to troubleshoot through problems and be a quick thinker
    ✰ Would look good when applying to anything Computer Science related :)
    ✰ Would recieve inspiration from the rest of the team and make it a reality on the webpage!

  • Media Marketing
  • ✰ Create content to promote the bibliophile club our social media on platforms.
    ✰ Currently need at least two people, one for running an Insta page and another for a Tiktok page.
    ✰ Regularly post on these platforms and report analytics weekly.
    ✰ Would look good when applying to anything Graphic Design related :)
    ✰ Would have a lot of freedom in the early stages.

  • Club Coordinator
  • ✰ Great for leadership experience!
    ✰ Help to plan and schedule literary events via Zoom or Skype.
    ✰ Engage with club members and attendees to ensure a welcoming atmosphere.
    ✰ Would have direct control over the Book of the Month page.
    ✰ Brainstorm and execute plans for events we could host,
    ranging from a book exchange via mail or roundtable discussions on BOTM.
    ✰ Would ultimately form a council to lead the club in most matters :)

under construction